Tuesday, April 9, 2013

First Deployment... First Meaningful Promise...

It is my first week of my first deployment. My husband left Saturday to Kuwait. He won't be here for a while. I am not scared that he is going to die in combat, because I have the attitude that I know he won't leave me. He is a strong guy mentally and physically. The thing that I am scared for is that I am not ready for him to leave. I don't know all the answers to his security questions, I don't know what bills need to be pay at a certain time. I can't even get an apartment yet until he gets the power of attorney, where he sometimes for gets important things! For this being my first deployment I think I am handling it quite well.. I miss him a lot but I know he will be in my arms sooner or later. What my problem is, is I have to stay busy so I don't get into this depression and be wanting and wishing he was here. The busier I stay the better my mood is. I have gotten a 2 minute Skype call from him and the whole Facebook instant messaging stuff, but it isn't the same as that goodnight phone call or that fast call or text when something is wrong. My husband is my best friend, and probably my only best friend. He is the first person that comes to mind when I have a problem he is the one I call or text. Well now with him gone I write him emails everyday and I never turn off my Skype. When I close my computer I have Skype on my phone so if does call I can get it on my phone also. Every night I pray for him, my whole family on both sides, and for all soldiers. And everyday I hope that I will get this random message on Facebook from him just saying goodnight or I love you. Everyday if I get that one message I know everything will be alright, and he is alright at the moment or day. Have you ever heard the saying that mostly military wives, fiances, and girlfriends say? Well if you don't here is the saying and I go by this everyday, "One day down, One day closer, and One day stronger!" For any wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, or fiance, that has there other heart in the military we all know that everyday they are gone is another day that you are stronger, and that your relationship with them is a whole lot stronger! We all don't like that they are gone but we all knew it came with them if they are in the military. Nicholas Sparks wrote in the book the Lucky, "She had been proud of his decision to serve his country, her heart bursting with love and admiration the first time she saw him outfitted in his blue dress." I remember the day that my husband told me he was going to join the military. We were in his fathers house it was in December, and he told me that he wants to join the military and wondered what I thought. I asked if this what makes him happy? And my soldier said yes its what I want to do and I think it will make me very happy. I am not the type of person that will be selfish and keep him away from something that will make him happy. The first thing I said to him was, "I will be waiting here for you, and the only way to get rid of me is you have to do it yourself." I kept that promise.. I have two lessons in this.... When things are rough know that your closer than you were yesterday and staying positive is the best way to get through it all.. The second lesson is when you promise someone something you will want to keep it because everyone and the person you promised will think you will break that promise. Most promises are broken and never kept, when you do keep that promise it shows you your true side and also gives you the mind that you can do whatever comes in your way if you keep the promise and get through a deployment, basic training, AIT, anything! 

"As I look back over fifty years of ministry, I recall innumerable tests, trials and times of crushing pain. But through it all, the Lord has proven faithful, loving, and totally true to all his promises."
-David Wilkerson

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