Tuesday, April 16, 2013

So Much on My MIND Today!

There has been so much things that has happened in the past day. First thing is I hope everyone who reads this keeps the people who were involved in the Boston Marathon Bombing, in your prayers. It is such a sad thing! What is happening to our world? I have heard so many things over the internet for example there is a picture going around on facebook with a little girl who was supporting the people who died in the school shooting. Apparently she had died at that marathon. But fact is she wasn't even at that marathon and people are trying to spread things that aren't true. Why do people do that? I know as a Radio/Television Communication major that you need to have your facts straight before you publish anything! so Why do people do that? It's not helping anyone with this fake stuff going around think about the family who actually lost a child and they see this fake picture. I just recently saw a new one of a little boy who was at the finish line waiting for his dad to get back. I honestly would like to say that one is true because of the picture they showed. There is also a picture of a young lady laying on the ground dead and her boyfriend was suppose to purpose to her when she got to the finish line. I want to believe the picture is true. It's so sad on what is all going around this world. The explosion was exactly on the track, it was on the side line where the crowd was. There was two explosions there and then after hearing all about it the news started saying there was a third explosion at the JFK library/museum. It's just sad, since this is MY blog I think I have the right to say how I feel.. I don't think this is a terrorist attack who would be that dumb to bomb a marathon with over 50 countries being represented? It would just be bad for their parts I honestly think it was someone in America.. sad to say that but it is what I think... I was talking to someone and we were talking about what song would be good to play for this situation. 
What else is on my mind is kind of my own thoughts about what happened to me last night. Last night I had a dream about my late grandmother. She was my best friend ever since I could remember... She stuck up for me, she knew how I felt she can relate to some of my troubles and I could honestly say I could tell her the truth.. It was just weird I was praying that God keeps me strong through this deployment and then when I was sleeping he sent me my grandmother! Today is just a good day because I saw my grandmother who is still my best friend and someone who I truly miss... God has plans for all us we just have to let it happen to us and trust our Lord in what plans he has for us.
